Party Etiquette for Millennials
This is something I’ve been wanting to address for a while especially after having had the experience of planning and hosting my own party recently.
I’ll give you a little background on this topic. Due to the Corona Virus hitting us in early 2020, large gatherings in major establishments have not been allowed. Even a year later, there are still restrictions that only allow a party of 6-10 people to dine together at a restaurant. The one business that had not been largely affected by people trying to gather was party venues.
On October 31st 2020, I turned 25 years old. I knew I wanted to have a little celebration with friends and family for my birthday, but I didn’t necessarily know what. I began to do my research around July/August, like I usually would, in order to plan for my birthday celebration. When I realized that restaurants had a limit on how many people could gather, even if you had a private room, I had to seek another viable but safe option. Next, I connected with a party planner, told her my vision, and got started.
With all that goes into planning a party; ultimately, the end goal is just to have a good time.
Blood, sweat, and a little bit of tears (seriously) went into making this event that I wanted so badly to happen. That being said, all guests that are invited should dress and act accordingly.
The following is a list of take-aways that I have learned and can now suggest to others when it comes to participating in such events from now on.
Don’t constantly ask how the process is going. I was stressed enough. Constant suggestions and comments when you aren’t putting any funds towards it is extremely annoying.
READ, READ, READ. I sent out a “save the date” photo flyer a month before my party date then an RSVP link 30 days before. Those both contained all of the party information. Theme, time, date, location, and dress code was all there. Questions are going to come sure, but all of the information is right in your hands. Just read.
DO NOT invite extra people that were not invited to the party. To be frank...IT IS TACKY. This was one of my biggest issues. From people talking about my party to other people that weren’t invited to everyone wanting to bring a date. It is inconsiderate to the party host and other guests if their seat is taken and they were on the list. I only had a certain amount of seats and granted not everyone on the list came but you should still be respectful of the host.
I’m used to my friends doing this since I’m a fashionista and used to be heavily into fashion styling but asking me to help you find something to wear on my special day is a no. I had 10 million other things to do while all you have to do is show up. If you just wanted my opinion about an outfit, I didn’t mind giving it but only after you’ve figured it out.
Since we are already on the topic of fashion, let’s talk about dress code. Referring back to #2 reading is essential to this as well. My dress code was Cocktail Classy. What that means is classy attire that would be worn to a cocktail party. No jeans or sneakers. Dress to impress! I am not too sure if everyone grasped that concept, but everyone came in their own style. That is something I can appreciate.
Sadly, this is something I didn’t realize that needed to be said: Don’t show up empty-handed. On my RSVP link I provided a list of easy gifts my guests could get me. I didn’t want anyone to stress themselves out. Some even asked me what my favorite type of liquor was or just for my cash-app name. Those things are totally fine as well. Showing up to a birthday party without a gift is highly inappropriate. Growing up, I was taught to not even come to someone’s house for the first time without bringing anything. I quickly realized that not everyone was brought up the same. I just thought that this was a common courtesy. After all the spending and preparation, any gift is basically a reward of getting some of that back.
That is all I have for my party etiquette rules. What are some of your own party etiquette rules that you would add to mine? Let me know on Instagram!