Don’t Let Anyone Take These 3 Things Away From You
Yes, I do expect you to listen to this song after you finish reading!
After some reflection of my new singleness of 2 months now, I realized I came out of the relationship okay because I came in okay. I totally understand that this may not always be the case. Not forgetting who you are and everything you stand for while you’re with someone is definitely the key to this. As fast as people will come into your life and make you feel that exciting high, it can also be as fast as them coming in to f___ s___ up. (I’ll let you fill in the blank)
There is no real preparation for this, but in the midst of it, there are 3 things you absolutely cannot allow this person or situation to take away from you.
Your self confidence: I was so sure of myself before I met this person and I still am. How confident you are about yourself will let that person know whether they can play with you or not. Whether you’ll be feeling a way about certain things that may happen. I was never concerned about any outside sources coming in to mess this up for me because I knew who I was. Confidence is the ability to feel beautiful without needing someone to tell you. This is your greatest weapon!
Your stable mental health: If I sat you down and gave you a timeline of my life, every battle that I have faced, and overcame, you’d look at me like I had 3 heads. You’d be trying to figure out how I am sitting in front of you. No seriously.
When you are presented with hardships at a young age you have 2 options:
You can let it define your destiny.
Or you forgive the circumstances, not let it consume you, and have a new awareness.
I think the 2nd option sounds better, don’t you?
So if I have come so far with my mental health and still am improving it daily, why should I allow a person to take that all that away from me?
Your solitude: I’m okay with being alone! I really enjoy my downtime after interactions for work on the daily. I hang out with my friends and family when I can. If I am not up for it I definitely let them know. Your solitude is your sacred peaceful space. A space that should be different from where you would have your relationship in. When a relationship ends, many times we think that now we are alone. When you value your solitude and peace of mind, you are never alone.
I hope that this has helped you learn or relearn something!
Drop a comment for me if it has (: