Valentine’s Day Expectations

Every year, once Christmas is over, nothing is different. People start planning for Valentine’s Day. Promoting it in the stores, to thinking about what they’re going to do with their significant other, or just wondering if they're going to receive anything from that special someone. 

In order to have an expectation or even a thought that you’re going to be doing something with a person you care about, the connection and understanding needs to be there. If there was a discussion or if you or your significant other both have the holiday spirit that is a plus also. Too many times I’ve seen young ladies have expectations or be hopeful while the other party has no idea of what’s going on. Not a clue. Let’s talk about how we can try to avoid that.

The first thing that needs to be clear is communication. There is nothing wrong with asking if they want to do something for Valentine’s Day, especially if you do. Never assume that plans are going to be made or gifts are going to be exchanged just because that person is there. Assuming ALWAYS leads to disappointment.

Here’s an option I love to participate in or just like to see happen. I call this: the standard. Just go ahead and make plans for that day or weekend! Figure out what you would like to be done and just do it. Make sure you take that person's interests are taken into consideration as well. Are they a sports fanatic? New sports museum just opened not too far? Get the tickets! It is not always about the gifts. The experience and memories being created together matter as well.

I started this entry to mainly speak of two people coming together. You should also know there is nothing wrong with doing something for yourself during this holiday. Last year, I took myself to the spa then met up with my girlfriend at the bar. Go ahead and give yourself all the love and attention you deserve! That is beyond easy. Just because you don’t have anyone to share the holiday with, doesn’t mean that it’s less of a day.


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