The Wine Guide: Expand your Selection
I know the feeling of being stuck in the liquor store. You’re looking at the wine that you usually purchase, but you’re tired of that and want to try something new. Your friends are not answering back fast enough with suggestions, so you just pick the wine you usually get! This guide is to help you avoid getting bored or being stuck when friends can’t help.
All of the wine suggested below are ones I have personally tasted.
White Wine:
Verdi Peach Sparkletini-(Sweet) ALC 5% BY VOL
Bartenura Moscato-(Sweet) ALC 5% BY VOL
Dark Horse Pinot Grigio-(Semi-sweet) ALC 13.5% BY VOL
Red Wine:
Menage a Troi Silk Soft Red Blend-(Semi-sweet) ALC 13.5% BY VOL
Carnivor Bourbon Barrel Aged Cabernet Sauvignon-(Dry) ALC 15% BY VOL
Casa Monte Cabernet Sauvignon-(Dry) ALC 13% BY VOL
Do you see any of your favorite wines on my list?
Try a few new ones out and let me know what you think!