How to get THE photo
You know what I’m talking about. The shot, the moment, the perfect picture for Instagram.
We can have our friends take a million photos of us and still can’t get the one! Why is that?
Here are some tips that I’ve learned over the years that can hopefully help!
Let the mirror be your best friend.
Many times we are not looking at ourselves enough to know what we look like with different facial expressions, poses, and outfits. I am definitely guilty of throwing an outfit together, just walking out, then wondering why I didn’t get any good photos. I wasn’t prepared to get any! Instead of blaming your friend who is taking the photo of you for not getting any good photos, you need to hold yourself accountable for not prepping.
Knowing your body is important.
What I mean by that is basically learning your angles. Modeling was my first hobby growing up and by the age of 13, I was able to tell you what my “good side” was. As you get older, you’ll realize that when you pose or turn a certain way in photos it looks better. Whatever works for you, do just that!
Try a different pose.
Do you feel like you smile all the time in your photos and want to do more of a smize? Practice that! Don’t be afraid to try it out next time you get your photo taken. You’ll know if it’s a hit based off of what your followers will say. Usually when you try something different, your followers will respond well to it.
Look at some inspiration.
One of my favorite things to do is save poses or outfits I would like to recreate. When it comes to photos/photo taking, inspiration is key to a lot of it. There is nothing wrong with trying something you saw in a magazine ad or even a friend do. In the end, you’ll feel great stepping out of your comfort zone!